10 Powerful Mobile App Marketing Strategies to Promote Your App

It is hard to think about the app revolution with Mobile App Marketing that began less than ten years ago. The breadth and popularity of mobile app users have spawned entirely new revenue streams, marketing opportunities, and even businesses.

You should know that the app world is a jungle, and without an integrated mobile app marketing strategy, your prized new mobile app might quickly get lost in the digital vines. Most mobile apps are designed to extend your business’s presence into the mobile environment, giving your clients a new and easy way to access your products. You can learn about different mobile app marketing strategies to earn high profits. As a result, a successful mobile app promotion must situate your app within the framework of a larger marketing strategy.

How can you grow your business with apps?

Your app marketing ideas may be something you’ve spent a lot of time and effort to address market demand and benefit from it. Alternatively, it could be a vital component of your overall marketing plan from which you need to obtain robust and actionable user data to do more effective market research. Whatever reasons you developed your app, one thing is sure: it must be used to prosper. This entails devising an effective app marketing plan.  To design your overall strategy, you must first understand the various ways you might sell your app. This holds for all app marketers, regardless of their vertical, budget, or target market. This post will go through the ten most crucial app marketing methods you should be aware of, as well as how you can use them to achieve your most ambitious goals.

A list of top 10 Mobile App Marketing Strategies to Promote Your App

Optimization for the App Store

The process of increasing your app’s exposure in the App Store and Google Play Store is known as App Store Optimization. Even if your marketing sends a high number of potential users to the App Store, your app must be well-presented to complete the install. ASO can also bring in organic users for free.

ASO is like SEO, which necessitates identifying and using keywords that will help your software rank well in the App Store. You can also organize mobile app marketing campaigns. In addition, screenshots of your app and a video of in-app use are required. You can also utilize secondary app categories to provide users more options for finding your app.

Marketing on social media

You cannot afford to ignore social media activity as an app marketer. In 2020, users will spend an hour and 22 minutes every day on social media. It’s a good idea to post on your social media platforms frequently and use them for more than just product promotion.

If you already have an excellent social media presence, the first thing on your to-do list should be to promote your app through these platforms. Blog posts, competitions, discussion threads, and user-generated content can be used as social media content.

The landing page and blog for your app

A landing page is an integral part of your app marketing agency strategy since it allows visitors to discover more about your app on both the mobile web and the desktop. This is a cost-effective approach to attracting new users using SEO.

It is critical to include a visual representation of what customers can expect if they install your app on the landing page. Your landing page should consist of links to your app in the App Store and Google Play Store. Other requirements, such as gameplay trailers for mobile games, will be dictated by your app vertical. Displaying user evaluations and including images of your app’s user experience, on the other hand, are essential.

Marketing with influencers

Authenticity is vital to 90% of shoppers when deciding whether or not to support a brand. The use of influencers to reach new people and promote your business is known as influencer marketing. This app marketing method has taken the industry by storm in recent years, with influencer marketing expenses increasing by 65 percent this year.

Influencers can be employed in a variety of ways to help you reach your marketing objectives. You can either provide influencer “freebies” to share with their audience or pay for product placement. A sponsored ad gives you greater creative freedom, whereas simply selling your products to the right influencer is a cost-effective option.

Know about your competitors

It would be best to look at what your competitors are doing to evaluate what has worked and, perhaps more crucially, what hasn’t. Nothing can harm your app marketing plan more than being mistaken for a knockoff or seeming “late to the party” with something comparable. Knowing your market entails knowing your target audience and what your peers and competitors have been up to to stay current and unique.

Get your press kit and other materials ready.

You should have both physical and electronic press kits ready for the excellent press and promotion groups, depending on your level of marketing. Make a list of the most likely media outlets, bloggers, and other well-known names and figures, and make sure your press kit and launch materials address all of the essential details about your app.

To maximize your media coverage, make sure you have a structure in place to promptly send these out to groups on your list and respond to anyone who requests a PK or EPK—the more people who receive pertinent information, the more work they will do for you.

Improve the look and make an App Store Page

Optimizing your app store pages is a crucial, foundational tactic. Over half of people who find an app on the iOS or Google Play store do so by exploring the shop itself. Your website should be effectively the digital equivalent of your storefront and must be treated as such when it comes to welcoming guests; your app store page is your product, sitting on the shelf, trying to stand out from the crowd.

You need to make a good store page. Consider your title carefully, and make any necessary changes to your description to make it as straightforward and enticing as possible. Create a memorable and appealing icon to attract an audience.

User acquisition initiatives that are paid

Sponsored user acquisition is the process of acquiring new users for your app through paid advertisements. You’ll need to set up campaigns and tweak your ads spend over time with this method for the best results. It is critical to understand the types of users you want to attract and the in-app behaviors you want them to take.

You will need to observe data and discover trends in client behavior while reviewing the performance of your campaigns and changing your spending for better outcomes in the future. By recording how many people did each activity, your attribution provider will assist you in measuring these results. The best-performing channels will be highlighted in reports.

Perform marketing via email

Creating a mailing list is a terrific approach to keep people updated and deliver promotional offers regularly. This app marketing technique might assist you in increasing app retention and revenue. Email marketing is the critical driver of customer retention for small to midsize enterprises.

Email marketing has the advantage of being an opt-in marketing medium. This implies that your marketing content will only be seen by individuals who have expressed an interest. Email marketing is also an excellent way to reward your most devoted customers.

Be early to the market.

While you can begin your app marketing strategy after it is released and ready for download, it is frequently preferable to start sooner. You can even start while the product is being developed, removing things like video development diaries or connecting with potential consumers on social media, holding polls and surveys to see what features they’d want to see added, depending on how confident you are.

 As the launch date approaches, you may begin ramping up your app promotion efforts with teasers that help create curiosity and awareness.

Final thoughts

When planning your mobile marketing strategy, think about how mobile-friendly your company’s website is. Although mobile applications give a more complete and richer mobile experience, your website should also include ‘app-like functionality for your consumers, allowing them to access your products and services through finger-friendly buttons and menus. You should make use of activating design for your app that specializes in both design and software development. This distinguishes us from other firms since we provide a seamless procedure from conception to completion and delivery.


How do I promote my mobile app?

Make your app is ready for the app store
Request feedback from customers
Create one-of-a-kind content
Make a landing page for your campaign
Create guest posts for your website
Join social media groups
Become a guest on a podcast
Use social media to your advantage

Which marketing strategy is used for mobile apps?

A landing page is an integral part of your mobile marketing strategy since it allows visitors to discover more about your app on both the mobile web and the desktop. This is a cost-effective strategy.

What are the benefits of mobile app marketing?

Improve Customer Engagement
Create a valuable marketing channel.
Make direct communication and engagement with clients and customers is essential.
Create an effective loyalty program
Increase Brand Awareness

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