What Is Automation Testing? Ultimate Guide for Automation Software Testing

Automation allows you to expedite your work through a large number of test scenarios to verify that the results generated by specific operations or lines of code match the expected results. It will throw an exception to let you know that something went wrong. Automation testing is essential, and it speeds up testing time. This is because you use a scripting process that assesses whether the developed software meets your needs.

What Is Automation Testing?

Automation testing is a software testing technique to test and compare actual results with expected results. This can be done by writing a test script or using any automated testing tool. Automated tests are used to automate duplicate tasks and other test tasks. It is an automatic type that is difficult to perform manually.

Difference between manual and automation testing software:

In the manual test software, a developer or test engineer examines the features, functionality, and uses of the software against test cases. Without the help of existing tools and software, Self-testing can take a long time. It is prone to human error and difficult to scale as the software becomes more complex

In automation software testing, the developers use specialized tools to automate and control test cases. Test cases are automatically executed without human involvement after the test cases are prepared. Automated testing is ideal for large or complex software that requires continuous or repetitive testing of pre-written scripts. Automated tests can run simultaneously across different components or platforms, making them ideal for agile development and focused on iterative testing continually to find and repair bugs early speed up development.

What are the benefits of using automation testing software?

The benefits of using the automated software testing are given by,

  • Increased productivity: With the help of this software, you can get high accuracy when testing is automated.
  • Faster feedback: When testing faster and faster in the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC), developers are able to provide feedback faster.
  • Faster time to market: Faster test execution and a continuous feedback loop mean that the overall SDLC can be shorter and increase the frequency of releases.
  • Cost Efficiency: When resources are optimized, costs are reduced.
  • Increased market agility and responsiveness: Shorter launch cycles help businesses better respond to changes and prioritize resources.
  • Reduces the risk of human error: Automation enables repetitive testing, predictable and highly accurate. The risk of human error is reduced.
  • Improved quality: More efficient testing means the maximum extent and frequency of testing.
  • Higher Job Satisfaction: Testers get higher job satisfaction due to the elimination of monotonous tasks.

What are the types of automation testing?

The different types of software test automation are given by,

Smoke test: A smoke test is a necessary software test to identify underlying issues that might prevent the software from running.

Unit testing: Unit testing helps identify bugs in a single module of code. In Agile development, unit testing identifies bugs in a single user story developed during a timed sprint cycle.

Integration testing: Integration testing helps test the integrated version of the software for completeness, i.e. when two or more modules are combined.

Black Box Test: Black box testing evaluates specific functions or features of the software without going into the inner workings of the software.

Functional test: Functional testing is a quality assurance process and a type of black-box testing that considers the most essential part of the software.

Keyword Testing: A keyword test is a type of usability test that uses familiar action words to represent user behaviour which is documented separately from the act and implementation.

Regression Test: If there is a significant change in the software, regression testing runs test cases to ensure that the software continues to function as expected.

Data-Driven Testing: Data-driven testing will store test data in a table or spreadsheet. With a single test script that can execute all test data and return results in the same table.

Load Test: Load testing helps determine the software’s performance under stressful conditions, i.e. increasing user numbers or dealing with significant increases in traffic.

Performance Test: Performance tests were conducted to test the speed, responsiveness, naturalness, and stability of software products. A performance test can be reviewed at the end of each sprint showing a user story in agile testing. This ensures a good speed of testing and timely delivery of high-performance products or parts.

Steps for automated testing process:

  • Determine the scope of automation: Define the test requirements to determine if it’s an option for automation. Next, define what the test cases should do.
  • Evaluate and select tools: Choose the right tool for the test at hand. 
  • Planning, design, and development: Design and develop test cases. Label and document test cases are clearly automated.
  • Conducting the test: Run the test first to make sure it works properly and set the test frequency.
  • Maintenance: When the software develops, test cases must be reviewed and maintained to include changes that could cause testing to fail or mislead. If this happens often, an automated test may not be an accurate test.

Limitations of automated testing:

Although there are many benefits of automation, there are limitations as well. Testing automation is not suitable for all situations, and it can take a lot of time trying to write tests for situations that are likely to change or that are not used often enough to warrant investment. Additionally, automated testing must be data-driven, but not all feedback is quantitative. For example, automated testing is not suitable for qualitative data is required for user experience testing.


Most of the software is developed using both manual and automated testing. This depends on the use case. For example, if the test is run only once or twice. It is not suitable for automatic operation. On the other hand, if the test needs to run multiple times, automation software testing is suitable for the automatic operation. It is up to the certification and testing team to determine which tests they prefer for each step of the development process. 

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